I exercise sometimes, and that is OK

At the moment my life is too busy, I can admit it. There are way more things that I want and need to do than time available to do them. One of those things that I both want and need to do is exercise. We all know its benefits for our physical and mental health, and for me it also helps my pain and stability.

But I cannot do as much exercise as I would like to do or probably should do. And I have decided it is ok. Giving myself slack is not easy, nor is it the same as giving up. Rather, deciding that what I manage to do is good enough, because there are other priorities in my life that also need attending to.

Last week for example I only managed to formally exercise twice: once in my clinical Pilates class and another late evening session at the gym. If you would ask ‘professionals’ or even google, you will undoubtedly find that this amount is insufficient. But I also am a person who requires a good amount of sleep to function, and my youngest is still awake at all hours. That means that often when the kids are finally in bed at about 8pm, I am usually too exhausted to do the exercises I should do.

Another important factor is that I also want to prioritise things I love doing such as writing, organising things in the house, spending time with my children, or speaking to a friend. With working and trying to finish the requirement for my psychology registration, with managing my business, with writing creatively, with connecting with communities, with keeping in touch with family overseas and playdates, there is not much time left to spare.

A few years ago two exercise sessions in a week would have become a source of self-criticism or even self-loathing. But nowadays I decide to use this as a lens through which to examine my life, to consider what is important to me, and to put aside expectations.

I did not exercise this weekend, but I spent time with my children, I visited a family member in pain, I ate good food, I laughed and I read beautiful words. I also rested, laughed and reminisced about beautiful happy memories. That is enough.

As we say in the disability community, rest is radical.

Until next time,

Liel K. Bridgford

P.S. if you enjoyed or learnt something from this post, please consider supporting my work by clicking this link.

2022 Summary, 2023 Intentions

Last year feels impossible to summarise, perhaps because living it felt exhausting or all consuming. This was the first year out of lockdowns in a while, and I have also done some huge things, personally and professionally. 

Here’s a very brief summary of 2022, a few things I’m grateful for, and my intention setting for 2023.

Personally, in 2022, I:

  • had another baby (!!)
  • moved house, and set up a home in a new area
  • had overseas family visits
  • became an Australian citizen, then voted in a victorian election

Professionally, in 2022, I:

  • completed a full year of practicing as a Provisional Psychologist. 
  • completed the final project of the ABC top 5 Arts residency and released a radio package about disability representation in fiction through The Book Show
  • have produced, created and hosted the second season of the (Un)marginalised Podcast, which included a live, hybrid recording event with an audience, as a part of Melbourne Fringe Festival. What an honour to have a physical and online rooms filled with people who engaged in the conversation I had with Carly Findlay about disability, ableism, intersectionality, and more. 
  • officially became a published author when the book We’ve Got This came out with Black Inc. books (edited by Eliza Hull). I was also lucky enough to have a launch event at Readings, talk about my experience, and participate in a book panel about parenting with a disability as a part of a Mother’s Day event. 
  • spoke at a medical conference for the first time IRL: about disability, ableism inclusion and anti-ableism work 
  • was appointed editor of Writing Place 2022 by Arts Access Australia. What a privilege it was to read the works of disabled creators and curate a magazine filled with talent, wisdom and authenticity. 
  • had my first live radio interview with 3RC, talking about writing disabled parenting. Find it here.
  • was interviewed for 9 News about my experience of anticipating birth as a disabled person during the covid restrictions. Find the article here.
  • Was published in ABC Art. I wrote about disability representation in fiction. It was so great to speak with two disabled authors I respect and admire for the article and the radio package.  

A few things I am grateful for over the last year: 

  • Being supported by family, gifted family & chosen family in the transition to becoming a family of five (Chilli included) 
  • Asking for help when things got hard and prioritising just enough self-care to sustain my health 
  • Visits from overseas family and spending time together 
  • Moving house and starting to make it our home 
  • Having multiple opportunities to write, advocate, educate, train and speak with people and groups or organisations about disability, justice and intersectionality 
  • Getting to know new people, and connecting with people who engaged open heartedly with the content and with us 
  • Growing my Patreon community that supports my website, podcast and advocacy work
  • Becoming a published author

Intentions for 2023: 

  • Focus on completing as many requirements for my internship as possible 
  • Form a new writing group 
  • Create a writing routine that fits with my other commitments 
  • Prioritise self-care and form routines for exercise and sleep 
  • Spend my kids’ day doing enriching activities 
  • Rest 
  • Be present 

Thank you for all of your support over the last year! 

A special shout out to Sally Bridgford and Yaron Kenigsman for their Patreon support! Could not have done everything without you ❤️

If you want to get more behind the scenes content my Patreon account is on https://www.patreon.com/LielKBridgford

Until next time, 

Liel K. Bridgford 

(Un)marginalised S2, E6 with Carly Findlay OAM

The final episode of (Un)marginalised Season 2 has been created from our launch event for this season. It includes some audience responses and even a part of our audience Q & A.

In this episode I told the story behind the (Un)marginalised podcast, then spoke with Carly Findlay about ableism, lateral violence, connection & mentorship, curiosity versus nosiness, Intersectional Feminism, disability advocacy, disabled leadership and much more!

  • Content note for ableism, sexism, racism and sexual violence

Connect with Carly:

Connect with Liel & continue the conversation on:

Please note the views expressed by the interviewees do not necessarily reflect my own.

(Un)marginalised: S2, E5 with Laura Pettenuzzo

In this week’s episode of the podcast, I spoke with Laura Pettenuzzo about internalised ableism, how using a wheelchair can be easier than walking, physio, writing days, spoons, dating with disabilities, easy English, how our intersections shape our reading and writing, chopped vegetables. 

Content note: ableism, internalised ableism, mental health. 

Connect with Laura:

Connect with Liel & continue the conversation on:

Please note the views expressed by the interviewees do not necessarily reflect my own.

(Un)marginalised: S2, E4 with Zoe Simmons

In this episode of the podcast, I spoke with Zoe Simmons about chronic pain, how weight and gender shapes our experience of the medical system, internalised ableism, changing our relationship with mobility aids, mental health challenges, shame, pride and so much more!

Content note: this episode contains discussions about fatphobia, ableism, Mental illness, suicide, sexual harrasment and assault

Find Zoe:

Connect with Liel & continue the conversation on:

Please note the views expressed by the interviewees do not necessarily reflect my own.

(Un)marginalised: S2, E3 with Jess Kapuscinski-Evans 

In this episode, I spoke with Jess Japuscinski-Evans about sex on premesis access, what’s it like to be queer and disabled, public transport, Activism, allyship, emerging and elders in the arts space, disability-related humour, bringing together the physical disability and psycho-social disability communities, and much more. 

  • To support the ongoing making of the podcast, go to Liel’s Patreon account on: https://www.patreon.com/LielKBridgford
  • You can find the complete transcripts of the episodes on http://lkbridgford.com/unmarginalised-podcast
  • If you need support after listening – you can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 in Australia (24/7). If you’re anywhere else, you can find support here: https://www.befrienders.org

To continue the conversation, go to Liel’s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lielkbridgford/, Twitter https://twitter.com/LielKBridgford or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lielkbridgford

(Un)marginalised: S2, E2 with Renay Barker-Mulholland  

In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Renay Barker-Mulholland. We talked about poetry, parenting, how intersectionality relates to quilts, what does being an artist mean, and gatekeeping. It was an honour to be the first person to read Renay one of her very own poems, and hear her reaction. We also chatted about the juxtaposition between femininity and roughness, politics, collaborations with our kids, and more.

To continue the conversation, go to Liel’s Instagram , Twitter or Facebook

We’ve Got Pain All Wrong

Our pain and us

Pain is something I’ve been living with my whole life, and I think we’ve got it all wrong. 

Pain can mean many different things for each of us, and can include both physical sensations as well as emotional or psychological experiences. In this post I’ll focus on the physical sensation we get when we say ‘my leg hurts’. We all experience pain during our lifetime – no human can avoid it.

Despite how universal pain is, our capacity to describe and communicate about it is generally limited. Even medical professionals often resort to the simplified and useless request to rate our pain from 1-10 as the only measurement or decipherment of pain. 

This common practice has been criticised by people with chronic illnesses, pain and disabilities. Some of the arguments against its use is the oversimplification of a complex phenomena that includes our physical, social, emotional and psychological world. Our experience and perception of pain are also influenced by our history, genetic makeup and social circumstances, amongst other factors. Also, your 10 out of 10 is different from my 10 out of 10.  

Take for instance the pain a birthing person experiences as they push out a baby from their body. It can include intense pressure, cramps, burning, stretching, sharp knives-like pulses and many other sensations. A number on a 1-10 scale does not do this experience justice. We also know that pain perception is impacted by anxiety, how we label the pain, our attitude to it, and many other factors that are often missed in modern Western understanding of pain. 

This inadequate language, understanding and communication of pain means the way we respond to it can also be inadequate, ineffective or even harmful. Pain is simply labeled as Bad, and categorised as something that is undesirable, unattractive and unnatural, to be cured if possible, or at least halted.

This idea misses how pain helps us avoid injury, recover from previous traumas and indicate our bodies’ functioning. In some contexts pain is thought of as something to ‘push through’ and ignore in order to reach some external goal, like running a marathon. In cases of chronic pain, like mine, we think of pain again as something to ‘push through’ to reach the goal of survival. 

The conclusion many of us get to is that pain is nothing to concentrate on – it is too painful to think about our pain, let alone explore it! What we end up doing is neglecting our pain.

We may dissociate to cope with extreme levels of pain, or use alcohol or drugs to numb it. For me, dissociation is something I have had to do in order to survive recurring, at times intense, and trauma-related pain. Many of us have been told our pain isn’t so bad, or that it will pass by your wedding day, or worse of all – that it isn’t real. No wonder we have such a fraught relationship with pain. 

Why is this wrong? 

Having a fraught relationship with pain has an ironic impact on our body, mind, and may I even say, soul. 

Because we fear pain, we often get a stress or even a stress-survival response in our body when it happens. The fight/flight/freeze response that gets triggered by pain in many of us, generates stress hormones that are damaging to our body in the long term, and prevent us from using our complex thinking capacities. Basically this means that in that moment we cannot access the parts of our mind that reminds us of who we want to be, what kind of life we want, or what is important to us. Our brain is yelling DANGER DANGER DANGER at pain signals that may not by themselves be so dangerous. 

When we’re so distressed, we struggle to regulate our feelings. We may lash out at others we care about, or use substances, gamble, or smoke – or do anything that distracts or numbs our intense emotional reaction and our physical pain. In short – seeing pain as something catastrophic and Bad, leaves us less choice over our actions when we’re feeling it. 

Another way our problematic relationship with pain impacts our lives is a sense of isolation. Have you ever had the thought ‘No one has ever experienced pain like this before’? I have. 

Many people who feel pain tend to also feel that they’re the only one going through that. Because we don’t talk about it, it seems like everyone else is living pain-free, which isn’t the case. This isolation can make us less likely to engage with others or in activities that will help us deal with the pain, or to live the meaningful life that we deserve. This is often exacerbated by real physical need to rest our hurting body parts, which often means we’re alone. 

Ignoring the pain, something that many of us are told is a tough, cool, or even necessary thing to do, means that we actually end up trying to push it down. We spend so much energy, conscious or unconscious, telling ourselves something like ‘it’s fine, this too shall pass’ or ‘it’s not that bad’. Although in some contexts this may be useful (like for athletic training), generally this ends up damaging us also. We spend a lot of energy blocking out pain signals from our body, or gaslighting ourselves. This creates a lot of exhaustion, dissociation and trauma. 

The alternative

I was dissatisfied with the way my pain and I were relating to each other. I was tired of feeling angry, frustrated, and on the verge of tears when pain would flare up. I was sick of feeling like I wasn’t good enough because of my chronic pain. So I thought about an alternative – of more helpful ways to cope with pain. 

Instead of seeing myself as a failure when I couldn’t walk, I gave myself permission to listen to my body. I changed the way I view mobility aids, and now see them as something to help me live the life I want, alongside my pain. 

This is not to say that pain should be dismissed by ourselves or others – quite the contrary. Pain should be listened to, attended to, just like any other part of us. Acknowledging that we’re in pain, and giving ourselves kindness through it, can be our first step towards a better life. 

Beyond personal growth that we can all pursue to improve our quality of life, we need to change the way we treat and respond to each others’ pains. Instead of viewing people as either ‘normal’ or ‘abnormal’, what if we agreed that we all experience some pain, at some points in our lives, albeit our vast differences? What if we choose to treat others who are in pain with kindness, curiosity and empathy? Instead of letting pain get in the way of connection, what if we embraced it as a connecting link? 

When your friend is in pain, instead of offering to just reschedule your catch up, what if you offered to help in some way? What if we held spaces for each others’ pain? You could pick up medications from the pharmacy, or hold their hand, or remind them that they are still them. Help them listen to their bodies and practice being kind to themselves. 

We all benefit from transforming the way we relate to pain through increased compassion. Compassion towards ourselves and our fellow humans helps us cope with the most difficult times, and authentically connect with other people.

Where to from here

Here are a few steps to start reflecting on your relationship with pain – applicable to use with yourself and with another person: 

  1. Ask about pain – for example ‘How’s your body been feeling lately?’ or ‘How’s that back pain going at the moment?’ 
  2. Validate the pain – for example ‘That sounds painful’ or ‘I believe you’ 
  3. Ask how you can stay connected through the pain – for example ‘How can we change our plans to still include you?’ or ‘How can I stay connected to my loved ones through this?’ 
  4. Ask what may help – without the assumption that you or a particular drug can ‘fix’ it. For example ‘Is there anything I can do to help?’ or ‘What might help me feel more grounded through this?’ 

Practicing these steps with myself, and with people I care about, has helped me transform the way I experience pain. Now I sit down, focus on my breath, and listen to my pain like it is music. 

Oftentimes this music, like your neighbours’ party, is out of my control. I cannot always turn it off, so I lay back and listen. Sometimes the tunes are nostalgic, like Britney Spears over the gym’s speakers. Other times the music is unfamiliar and surprising, like a new single. Other times the music is partly familiar, partly new, like being at your favourite band’s concert. You have probably heard this song before, and if you haven’t, it is almost a guarantee to strike your chords. 

All I want is for there to be seating, so I can sit down and concentrate on the music – outside and within. 

And before you go, check out: 

Where you can join me next month!  

Listening to my pain and my body has brought me more than internal peace, it has been a source of inspiration! With that in mind, here are some important Life Updates you may want to know about: 

  • The (Un)marginalised Season 2 Launch is coming next month!!! Check it out here! I have been working tirelessly on producing this event – the biggest one I’ve ever done. The Launch will be an in-conversation event with Carly Findlay OAM, and you can attend live in Naarm (at The Motley Bauhaus) or through the live stream. I cannot wait to share this event with you, that will include the story behind the podcast, your questions answered live on stage and more.

TO BOOK TICKETS visit melbournefringe.com.au or call (03) 9660 9666. 

This event is supported by the City of Melbourne Arts Grants.

  • I have been appointed as the Editor of this year’s Writing Place magazine, published by Arts Access Australia. What an honour it has already been to read others’ works, be inspired and think about my vision for this publication. 

Writing Place is published annually as a part of Meeting Place, Arts Access Australia annual forum on art, culture and accessibility. The magazine showcases the writing of d/Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent writers and poets. 

Submissions are still open until 11.59pm (AEST) on 11 September 2022. I would love to read your work! Find all the details on how to submit here.

Until next time, 

Liel K. Bridgford 

I am all sexy, thanks very much.

CW: internalised ableism, ableism, patriarchal beauty standards, exercise, dieting.

When I was growing up, I internalised the idea that to be sexy meant to be able-bodied, thin etc. (You know, all those ableist, fat-phobic ideas we learn from patriarchy). Although it’s no wonder I’ve internalised such toxicity, it’s worth exploring how it likely happened, so we could do better.

As I was growing up, disability was a bad thing. What I had on the other hand, wasn’t a disability, adults would say, but a ‘problem’ – something one can fix, then move on. I always knew I was different, and that that difference was something to avoid talking about, or showing, if you could help it. It was something I needed to ignore and overcome, in order to become the ‘normal’ human I was destined to be. I’ve learned early on to hide my leg behind long pants if I could, to place it behind me to avoid my own and others’ gaze, to hold it in attempt to cover, as much as possible.

As a teenager I slowly filled with trepidation that no one would ever love me because of my ‘leg problem’ – romantically that is. I looked up to characters on my screen, in my books and through my headphone – all were skinny, beautiful, ‘perfect legged’. I saw Brittany Spears, Avril Lavigne, Beyoncé, Sharkira, Alicia Keys, Katey Perry, to name a few. Israeli TV was filled with similar skewed and unrealistic beauty standard. My friends and I read magazines that told us how to become worthy – we were instructed to eat lettuce three times a day, do a hundred push ups just to 30% angle to produce a flat tummy, to name a few strategies. We taught each other specific exercises for each area of the body we needed to ‘tone’. What I feared most, but told no one, was how no amount of exercise would make my legs look like those in the glossy magazines. I was doomed. My only chance was to be as skinny as possible, and hide my leg as much as I could.

I wished I could be me, just with another leg – a regular leg. Every other ‘flaw’ seemed insignificant compared to how ashamed I felt about the leg. I remember thinking surely he would have liked me/stayed with me if I had a regular leg. When my current passion got together with someone else, who always had straight legs with five toes on each foot, it twistingly confirmed that I could never be accepted as a desired, sexy person.

I gradually planned to find someone who wouldn’t know about my leg. I’d hide it for as long as possible, and by the time I’d tell them, hopefully they would’ve fallen in love with my. That way I could get my happily ever after. Needless to say, this was before I had enough of an understanding about the huge issues with such myths.

In my late teens, towards the end of my ‘treatments’ (i.e. the lengthening and straightening procedures), I could mostly hide my disability. Only with my leg, foot and limp hidden, I could feel sexy and confident enough to imagine being desired. After years of on and off crutches, leg braces and casts, I have gained my sense of sexuality by pretending my leg wasn’t there at all. I’d camouflage it with jeans or thick leggings and get on the dance floor, flirt with the guys and get into bed. Every time a sexual relationship didn’t work out, I’d think it’s because of my leg. When in bed, I’d avoid looking at my leg and place it as far from mine, and my partner’s body, as possible. 

Now I am over thirty, happily married and a parent, and am still in the process of unlearning this internalised ableism. Unfortunately it is still radical for a disabled female to feel sexy, express our sexuality, or even acknowledge it. I think this has to do with a lot of things, some of them very powerful. If we’re beautiful and sexy as we are – what does that mean for all the systems benefiting from us hating ourselves? What would do all the surgeons telling people and parents they can fix us? What would happen to the diet industry? How would so many feel ‘successful’ at being ‘perfect’? What would happen if we were all just perfect, as we are? There will need to be a lot of unlearning and re-learning, but it will be worth it.

Only in the last few years I’ve come to not just accept, but celebrate the whole of me. Now I can take a photo with my foot out, and feel sexy. Without cropping, looking away or pretending. This took about thirty years – and that’s too long. The next generation of disabled people shouldn’t have to deal with such ludicrous and soul-crushing internalised ableism.

The way I’ve been challenging these ideas is through reading, connecting, introspecting, and by filling my screens and pages with real, diverse people. I’ve come to realise how messed up these ideas are, and how they benefit only a small amount of people. It’s suddenly clear how we can become a society in which sex, sexuality and erotica would be celebrated and expressed freely, and safely. 

This change starts with each of us, and today I’m glad to report I do feel sexy. I don’t need to hide my leg or avoid looking at it to experience arousal. I’ve also come to realise that there is no me, without this leg. I wouldn’t be who I am. Parts of me that I find sexy are my determination, straightforwardness, humour and an ability to think big, to shift my perspectives and challenge myself and others to grow. All these qualities wouldn’t exist as they are, without my particular DNA, and specific experiences I’ve gone through because of it. 

We have come a long way since the 1990’s and early 2000’s, but we’re not there yet. Representation of disabled people is still scarce and often narrow. We don’t get to see disabled people often enough as the centre of a story, living a full life – filled with love, sex, heartbreaks, friendships, careers and parenting. But things are starting to change.

Feeling Sexy. [Image description: Liel standing in front of a long mirror, smiling. She is wearing patterned grey, black and yellow leggings and a grey and white crop top. She is barefoot and the right foot is small with four curled toes.] 

I’m disabled, and I’m sexy. In fact, I’m sexy because of everything about me, including my disability. Not despite it. And if you need to avoid looking at my leg or foot to think so, this post is for you. 

Until next time, 

Liel K. Bridgford 

P.S. I’m pleased to report I also now have a positive relationship with food and eating, as well as other parts of my body.

P.S.S if this was hard to read or triggering, I encourage you to get some support. If you don’t know where to start, you can contact me through the ‘contact’ page.

A letter to the over-achiever part of myself

CW: Internalised ableism.

Dear protective mechanism named achievement-focus,

For the purpose of this letter I will call you Little Creature – as you are like a separate being to myself who lives inside my mind influencing me to varying degrees, depending on my vulnerability at the time, and perhaps your mood. 

I am writing to you today because your presence in my life has become more prominent recently. You stick your head through a doggy-door and say hello by telling me the decision to study psychology instead of medicine was giving up. You wave by telling me staying in a job for over four years is stagnation.

I know you very well. Like a ghost you have a tendency to go undetected for a while, leading me on as if you’ve disappeared forever, in those breaks you take from sitting on my mind’s bank like a devil directing my interpretation of the world. Recently I have come to understand your origin, which is of course intertwined with my own.

Growing up I knew I was different from others – I had a ‘leg problem’ and that was a bad thing I had to live with. In order to make sense of life’s unfairness and my fate of pain, bullying, constant operations and traumas, I’ve come up with an equation that made life bearable. It was: pain + special powers = a sensible world. If special powers was removed from the equation, the world did not make sense anymore. I could also replace pain with trauma/disability/hospital visits/bullying etc. So then I’d get for instance bullying + special powers = a sensible world. This worked because bullying or trauma are painful parts of human life. Special powers however, are obviously a positive, uplifting part of life. This way the world could remain at lease a neutral place, somehow fair. I got a really bad luck item in my basket of life, but at least I had some undefined special powers – it meant not only the world was not so cruel but I was a worthy human after all. The simple conclusion I reached was I must hold some extraordinary qualities which compensated for my disability and associated pains – achievements resulting from these qualities were going to make it all worthwhile. This interpretation is not unique to myself. Other disabled people have described a similar experience. There is a social and historical context to this of course, as disability has previously been seen as a punishment or a gift depending on the time and culture one examines. Perhaps these reflect human’s natural tendency to attempt making sense of the world – to order its uncompromising chaos.

Anyway, this is how you came to be – Little Creature, you were born in that small room in our Tel-Aviv apartment on my single bed, above the blue checkered mattress. You were born in my mind and helped me feel as if the world was actually not a terrible place after all, I was worthy after all. You have helped making life bearable. You’ve helped me clean those Ilizarov pins and get through being teased. You have been effective all the while you’ve developed strong roots in my brain to help me survive.

But what about now? 

Now so much has changed – my life, the society I live in, my body and my roles. Everything has changed and so must we. I no longer think the world must be sensible. The equation does not make sense because the world is not neutral. It is much more complicated – even if I tried I could not assign a single value which will carry across genders, countries, cultures, days or even moments. Sometimes the world is fantastic and great things happen, nevertheless simultaneously terrible things happen. There is no simplifying this mess. I also don’t see my disability as a bad thing anymore. Regardless, you, Little Creature, keep telling me that if I do more, if I get ahead somehow, if I reach sufficient success, then the world will be ok. Then I will be ok – I will be worthy.

Today I want to tell you, Little Naïve Creature, that you have been exposed. You cannot hide as I won’t let you act in the background like a puppeteer telling me to be better all the time (i.e. that I’m not good enough) or accusing my past choices were wrong because I am still not there – in that elusive destination of success which will make my worth stable forever.

Right now I know my worth has nothing to do with my achievements. Knowing intellectually and experiencing in one’s body are two distinct things. I hope that this letter will help my body remember this, and internalise it so that you will become powerless, or at least weaker. You are no longer needed. My goals are to be happy and healthy, not to reach any particular milestone you think I should. As I am writing this, you are still whispering that’s not true and also giving me examples of goals I should have in order to be happy. But I am the most content right now – writing and reflecting in silence except for the dishwasher rain-like flow, paralleling the words I’m creating.

I know you are not leaving anytime soon, so this is not a goodbye. This is a hello, from now on I am perceptively watching you – I know what you are doing and I won’t let you spoil this for me. 

Liel K. Bridgford