Why I Choose Kindness (and you should too)

Our modern life is full of stress. The world has always been violent. Life, conflict, and people are all complex and there are rarely easy or straight-forward ways to handle those. 

One of the keys to managing it all, I believe, is kindness. I’ll start with an acknowledgement that my thoughts on the topic have been formed through years of vast world travel and reading. In particular, the Buddhist thinking about kindness has had a significant impact on my life. Studying psychology has helped me make sense of why these approaches are so helpful, and how we can incorporate them into our everyday life. 

If you’re the kind of person who thinks about how to improve your life, you may find kindness helpful. Here is why I choose kindness, and why I believe you should too.

Self-kindness or self-compassion are extremely helpful tools in our materialistic, capitalistic society. I don’t know about you, but I grew up in an environment that puts individual success at a very high value, almost the highest value of all. With this pressure to achieve and perform, comes a pressure to criticise oneself as means for improvement. I was also blessed with a perfectionist personality trait, and in combination these lead to pretty self-destructive ways of thinking. Feelings that I’m not doing enough, or thinking that I’m not good enough, smart enough or fit enough used to be regular experiences. What self-compassion teaches us, is to replace these destructive, painful, and honestly, unhelpful ways of being, with kindness. Being kind to oneself certainly does not mean being slack or lazy. It means treating ourselves with compassion and love. So instead of “I’m not good enough” we can say “I’m doing the best I can in a tough situation”. Another way to explain this is trying to treat ourselves like we would treat our best friend. Would you say to a good friend that they’re stupid or not good enough for failing an exam? Or for not getting into the university course they wanted? Would you love or value them any less? Exactly. So you should give yourself the same treatment. The result of self-kindness is often content and calm, instead of anxiety and shame.

Kindness instead of judgment. We all like to think of ourselves as non-judgemental people. But few of us actually practice being kind to others instead of judging. Judging is a natural tendency a lot of us have (including me!). It’s purpose in our mind is to help us feel better about ourselves (if we judge someone else as comparatively less than us, we feel better about our own life). But the long-term implication of our judgements are substantial. They create alienation, for starter. As soon as you judge another person, they are an object in your mind, rather than an equal, whole-rounded human. We also start thinking in stereotypes and make assumptions about people before we even realised. If you think you’re not guilty of this, notice your thoughts or feelings next time you see someone different to you. A different skin colour, accent, clothes style, language, body shape, disability status, the list goes on. Kindness instead of judgement comes with practice. Instead of judging, send in your mind love and kindness to the other person. Try to think about the things you have in common. Trust me, we are all so much more alike than we’d like to think. If you’re stuck- use the basic assumption that a fellow human will inevitably have similar needs to yours, to be valued, loved, have shelter and clothing, to have purpose in their life, to feel connected. Choosing kindness means you are much more likely to connect with another person rather than alienate them. When we judge, we often feel anxious or isolated, simply because we are busy in our mind judging and comparing. When you practice kindness, you’ll notice feeling much lighter and more connected to another, even if you haven’t said a word! 

You can help someone who is suffering without even realising it.  So many of us feel too busy to be kind to people we don’t know. What we often forget is that so many people around are going through serious troubles that we are not aware of, and that simple acts of kindness can make a difference. Kindness helps us connect with others who may be suffering, helping both parties feel better. Do you ever stop to think about how many people on your train or on the road are experiencing heartbreak, disability (visible and invisible), serious illness, grieving, caring for a loved one who is physically or mentally ill, dealing with recent or childhood traumas? The list goes on. Choosing kindness means you send love and kindness to those who need it. A quick chat or hello will often do. I have often stopped during my commute to talk to people experiencing homelessness, to have a chat and learn about them. I find these conversations highly rewarding and heartwarming. You can probably come up with many more ideas.

Kindness connects us all. As you may have realised by now, I believe kindness have the potential to connect us. I have witnesses this first hand when travelling to lands in which foreign languages are spoken. People who practice kindness were able to welcome me and connect with me in such a meaningful way, without saying many words. 

I strongly believe kindness is the start of our answer. We must practice it, towards ourselves, our neighbours, strangers. We must practice it towards people we may have negative views of. With time, those views are likely to shift, which benefits you, me and our entire society. We can work through many more challenges if we can see the humanity in each other, first and foremost. 

This is not to say I am always kind or that I find it easy to do. When I practice though, I am flooded with contented joy.

L. K. Bridgford 

When Choosing Kindness <3

Ten things you can do while you commute for a better life

I’ve returned to paid work recently after a while, which means I am commuting again. It takes me almost an hour each way, which involves two trams, or a bus and a tram, or a tram and a train, as well as multiple walking stints. With our growing city (and world), many people commute to work or study each day. If you are one of them, you may find these tips handy.

I try to enjoy my commute as much as I can, and view it as time for myself, for my thoughts, writing or silence, depending on my mood. It can be so easy to complain about our commute (which I do as well!), and so I thought it helpful to think of ways to be positive about it, for my sake as much as yours.

Here are a few things you can try for a happier commute today;

  1. Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Many of us Melbournians are immigrants, and so may have friends or family overseas. It might be a friend from a few suburbs away who has a different schedule to you. Either way, morning or after work commute is perfect for a catch up (perhaps with a coffee at hand each). 
  2. Listen to an interesting and thought-provoking podcast. Like Ladies We Need to Talk, Life Matters, Hand-in-Hand parenting, or the many more out there. It is refreshing to think of something that’s not work or housework for a short while.
  3. Speak to someone next to you on public transport. It doesn’t have to be a D&M, a simple hello will do. It can turn someone else’s morning from a cramped, rushed commute to a friendly warm ride. I bet you’ll be better off too. If you’re driving, try chatting to a colleague you don’t normally do when you get to work instead. 
  4. Add physical exercise that suits your abilities. Whether it’s getting off one stop earlier or simply taking a small flight of stairs, adding physical movement to your day will benefit your physical and mental health. You’ll be surprised how many core exercises can be done sitting or standing on the train! Even noticing and correcting your posture is helpful, standing up tall or sitting straighter. Something is better than nothing, always. 
  5. Plan your day or even morning– if you can, write down the big tasks you need to get done first (the hardest), or even what you’ll have for dinner. Making your day simpler means less decisions need to be made, which will add more energy into your day. 
  6. Add a self-care activity to your week– use the time on your commute to think about what rejuvenates you, what feels good to nurture your soul. For some it’s a dinner with a friend, others reading a favorite book, others a gym session. Whatever it is, schedule it in your calendar and commit to following through. Even knowing you have an hour of self-care ahead in the week can make a daunting week feel worthwhile. 
  7. Use social media strategically– instead of scrolling purposelessly through your newsfeed, why not reach out to an old friend or say congratulations to someone’s good news? There’s so many groups out there of support for people dealings with similar experiences, why not join one? If there’s someone or thing (like a page) that makes you feel anxious or low when you see they’re posts, consider unfollowing or unfriending them. 
  8. Enjoy the ride– whether it’s on the tram, train or in your car, try to think of your commute as a trip rather than commute. Try to practice mindfulness, noticing the view, the streets, houses, shops, and people around. Practice being grateful for having a job or study to commute to, many people don’t get that opportunity!
  9. Meditate– each of us may have a slightly different definition of meditation. It can be listening to a favourite song, silence or a guided meditation exercise. Research has shown the benefits of mediation for our mental health, and a long commute is the perfect time to practice! Smiling mind is a great free app to try easy meditations you can do anywhere. If you’re driving, maybe focus on mindfulness and keep your eyes open 😉
  10. Nourish yourself– take a healthy snack for the ride so you don’t feel hangry and spread that energy on your way to or at work first thing in the morning. 

Here’s to a happier commuting to us all. 

L. K. Bridgford 

When being mindful while commuting…

10 Things You Can Do Today To Bring Patriarchy Down

It’s an issue I spend a lot of time contemplating. It is after all, the structure of our society, the lens through which many of us view the world. It is also extremely dangerous, discriminatory and oppressing. That is patriarchyAs a response to a comment about a previous post, I thought it worthy to put forward my thoughts on the topic. Reading powerful books such as Boys Will Be Boys by Clementine Ford helped elaborate my language and knowledge on the issue.

Flashing news! Patriarchy is not only dangerous for women, it is dangerous for us all. You need not look far to find the damages it inflicts upon us. From one woman being killed every week in Australia, rape, to the six males who complete suicide each day in Australia. Being put in boxes because of one’s genitals or gender identity means we are all restricted and get hurt. It must stop.

If you worry about the well-being of our people and want to help this change, here are a few steps you can take today to help end the madness, bring patriarchy down, and ultimately make our community a safer place for everyone. 

Stop Saying (and thinking) “Boys Will Be Boys”. They will not. Boys and men are not programmed to be violent, rapist or aggressive, we just allow them to be by making comments such as this, justifying their behaviour. Condemn violent behaviour of all kind, it’s never ok. 

Start Nurturing the Emotional Well-Being of Boys in your life. Whether it’s a partner, friend, son or nephew, all our boys need to know their emotional and mental health is important and valid. Talk about it with them, allow and encourage them to be vulnerable, to cry, to hug. Big boys do cry and should cry rather than internalize, drink or commit suicide. 

Stop Blaming the Victim– it is so simple. A person’s genitals or gender identity do not dictate they are responsible for being attacked, raped, killed or abused in any way. It doesn’t matter what they wear or say, neither does where they spend their time.

Start Considering Girls and Women as Valuable, rather than objectify them. If you’re thinking ‘Of course don’t do that’, remember a time you looked at a woman and made internal comments about her body weight or shape? That time you judged another woman’s clothing? That time you said to a 4-year-old how pretty her dress is? These are all examples of objectification of women. We must teach our girls the way they look does not define them and they don’t need a man to be valued and fulfilled. We must teach our boys that girls and women are equal human beings, not objects to be used for one’s pleasures.

Next time you meet a female, don’t comment on her appearance. This applies to girls and women of all ages. If you need help with other things to say, you can try one of the following instead: “How has your morning been?” “What have you been reading lately?” “What’s your favorite TV series/movie?

Use the words Kid, Person, and People, rather than boys, girls, men, women. The English language is fortunate to have these separate, gender-neutral alternatives which respect the person’s decision to identify as they like in regard to gender (not all languages have these options). If you know someone’s pronouns of course that’s respectful to use those. 

Be More Curious and Make Less Assumptions– stop assuming or guessing people’s gender identity from the way they look, what they wear, their hairstyle. You can be and often are, wrong. It also does not matter. The person’s interests, likes, beliefs and personality would not be revealed through guessing their gender identity. Female children should not be only gentle and pretty, nor does male children be only aggressive and hyperactive. Females are often go-getters, assertive and loud. That’s normal. Males are often kind, gentle and cuddly. That’s normal. 

Demand From and Reward Males and Females Equally. Flashing news! Females are not born with a natural ability to do the washing. It is not “helping” when you’re doing work in your own home. Labour in the home (including housework and child-rearing) is work, at least as demanding as work outside the home, and thus should be shared and rewarded equally. Males and females both have the incredible capacity for learning. Teach every child to take part in the household jobs. 

Question, everything. Question why you think a particular colour, occupation or personality attribute belongs to a particular gender or sex. It is all in our society’s perception. A good example from Ford is that some years ago, pink was considered a boyish colour due to its resemblance to red (the colour of blood), whereas blue was a tame colour belonging to girls.

Call It Out– next time someone makes a comment which justify male aggression or objectify females, CALL IT OUT. Say it’s not okay. Any societal change starts with you.

L. K. Bridgford